WOD 14.09.2019

WOD 14.09.2019TEAM WODOn a 35 min running clock:2 Rounds:50 cal row400m run with med ball2 rounds:50 alt DB snatches (22.5/15kg)50 wallballs2 rounds:50 alt db box sep-ups (22.5/15kg) goblet hold50...

WOD 07.09.2019

WOD 07.09.2019PART A5 sets of 45 seconds weighted plankPART BAmrap in 20 minutes:500m run10 pull-ups10 toes to bar10 overhead walking lunges (20/15kg barbell)Partner A run 500m, whill partner B complete AMRAP of pull-ups, toes to bar and lunges.Switch place when...

WOD 04.09.2019

WOD 04.09.2019Part A”Four rounds for time of:400 Meter Run6 Strict Pull-Ups12 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (22,5/15kg)400 Meter Run6 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (22,5/15kg)12 Toes to...