WOD 14.08.19

WOD 14.08.19PART AIn teams of two, complete for time:2000 Meter Row*Athletes may only row while their partner holds two kettlebells in the double front-racked position. Teammates may switch from rowing to the static hold as frequently as they’d like, as long as no...

WOD 13.08.19

WOD 13.08.19Every 4 minutes, for 32 minutes (8 sets) for max load:400 Meter Run3 Ring Muscle-Ups3 Power CleansAthletes may only take 3 attempts at the cleans per set, but may adjust the loads as they see fit throughout the workout. Please note total load successfully...

WOD 12.08.19

WOD 12.08.19PART AEvery 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (4 sets) of:Station 1 – Dumbbell Shoulder Press x 8 repsStation 2 – Dumbbell Floor Press x 8 repsPART BFive rounds for time of:40 Double-Unders10 Push Presses (61/43kg)10 Toes to...

WOD 11.08.19

WOD 11.08.19PART ARow 3K for timePART B Amrap 18 min:18 Wall ball (9/6)18 KB swings (24/16)18 Box jumps (24/20)18 Burpees on plate (20kg)one partner works at a time, switch every 30...

WOD 10.08.19

WOD 10.08.19Amrap 30 min100 Single arm hang clean and jerk with DB (22.5/15kg)(50 left, 50 right) 400m Run80 Wall balls (9/6kg)400m Run60 Thrusters (50/40kg)400m Run40 burpee Box jump over400m Run20 Bar Mu or CtbOne working, one resting except during running, bothpart...