WOD 20.12.2020

WOD 20.12.2020

WOD 20.12.2020 « TEAM OF 2 » AMRAP 30 100 Wall balls 80 Cal Row/ski/bike 60 Power Snatch @60/40 40 Burpee box jump over 30 Chest to bar/ring 20 Over head lunges @60/40 10 Bar/ring muscle ups

WOD 19.12.2020

WOD 19.12.2020 A/ SKILLS 20 seconds ON / 40 seconds OFF x 6 Max double unders B/ STRENTH EMOM 8 1/ 3-6 strict pull ups 2/ 3 wall walk/box walk out C/ WORK AMRAP 9 9 toes to bar/ toes to ring 15 DB/KB thrusters (2x 22.5/15 kg) 21 Box jump over D/ CORE Complete 75...