Our Services


Crossfit AllElements - Be a force of nature

Group classes

One hour led by a certified coach with functional movements that mimic things you do outside the gym: carrying groceries from the car to the kitchen, lifting a baby or chair off the floor, climbing stairs, getting out of bed.

The group effect as well as the variety of movements will keep the motivation up.

Whether your fitness goal is to help you maintain your current fitness level, get just fitter or even lose weight, training will help you reach it

Crossfit AllElements - Be a force of nature

Teens classes

Teens classes gives children and teens the opportunity to move while having fun in a secure environment provided by qualified teachers.

Teens: 10-15 years old

Possibility of organizing birthdays on site.

Do you have any questions? Please check our FAQ here.

Personal Training

Private Coaching

Private classes are a great way to start a sport, lose weight, gain strength or prepare for a specific event. A unique program will be developed to quickly reach your goals.

Cour compétiteur


The workshops are theoretical and/or practical courses that we set up several times a year, on specific themes for people wishing to learn or improve their knowledge.

Crossfit AllElements - Be a force of nature

 Open Gym

Trainings without a coach, to follow your own program or work on your weaknesses.

Only for our members.

Crossfit AllElements - Be a force of nature

Nutrition Program

Nutrition monitoring is to help acquire a perfect diet and autonomy, based on a healthy lifestyle.

Join us now for a Trial Class!

Join Us Now for a Trial Class!