WOD 26.8.2020

WOD 26.8.2020

WOD 26.8.2020 Part A « Clean and jerk » Every 90 seconds x 8 1 CLEAN AND JERK Build across, to 1 heavy rep of the day. AMRAP 5 minutes Max rep Clean and Jerk @70% Part B « Workout » 2 rounds for time 21 HSPU 15 Hang Squat cleans @50/35 90 Double under CAP...
WOD 25.8.2020

WOD 25.8.2020

WOD 25.8.2020 FOR TIME 50 down ups (cash in) Then 50 / 40 / 30 / 20 / 10 Cal erg (pick yours) 400m run between sets Then 50 down ups (cash out) CAP 40min
WOD 24.8.2020

WOD 24.8.2020

WOD 24.8.2020 Part A « Push press » Every 2 min x 5 5 push press as heavy as possible. Finish with 5RM. Part B « Building » Dumbbell bench press / floor press Every 2 min x 3 10-15 rep Part C « Workout » For time 30/20/10 Pull ups Dumbbell front squats...
WOD 23.8.2020

WOD 23.8.2020

WOD 23.8.2020 « Team of 2 » AMRAP 40min 5000m row In the remaining time AMRAP 50 Thrusters @40/30 25 synchro down ups 50 Chest to bar 25 synchro down ups
WOD 22.8.2020

WOD 22.8.2020

WOD 22.8.2020 Part A « Back Squat » Every 2 min x 5 5 back squats @70% Part B « Building » — Bent over row — Every 2 min x 3 10-15 rep Part C « Workout » AMRAP 5 5 Toes to bar 5 Russian KB swing @32/24kg +1 rep each round Rest 2 min Part D « Finisher » 75 V-up Not for...
WOD 21.8.2020

WOD 21.8.2020

WOD 21.8.2020 Part A « Clean » EMOM 15 3 squat clean touch and go @50% of 1 RM squat clean. Part B « Workout » AMRAP 8 20 DB hang clean and jerk 16 OH dumbbell lunges 12 Single arm devil press...