WOD 29.12.2020

WOD 29.12.2020

WOD 29.12.2020 “CARDIO CLUB” 2 min ON – 2 min OFF x 9 Rotate between A/ B/ and C/ A/ 1 round of Cindy + Max cal row/Bike/ski in the remaining time B/ AMRAP 10 Thrusters @40/30 10 Burpee over the bar C/ Complete 2 rounds of 12 box jumps over 12...
WOD 28.12.2020

WOD 28.12.2020

WOD 28.12.2020 “CHRISTMAS GAINZ” A/ BACK SQUAT 1RM BACK SQUAT (15 mins window) B/ STRICT PRESS 1RM STRICT PRESS (15 mins window) C/ DEADLIFT 1RM DEADLIFT (15 mins window)
WOD 27.12.2020

WOD 27.12.2020

WOD 27.12.2020 INTERVALS 2min ON – 2 min OFF x 9 A/ Max cal Erg B/ AMRAP -10 Burpees over DB -20 DB hang snatch C/ AMRAP -10 pull ups -20 Air squats
WOD 25.12.2020

WOD 25.12.2020

WOD 25.12.2020 “12 days of Christmas” 1 Row, 100 m 2 Kettlebell Push Press 3 Kettlebell Hang Cleans 4 Kettlebell Deadlifts 5 Toes-to-bars 6 Burpees 7 Kettlebell Goblet Squats 8 Kettlebell Thrusters 9 Kettlebell Snatches 10 Kettlebell Overhead Squat 11...