WOD 5.12.2020

WOD 5.12.2020

WOD 5.12.2020 A/ PREP 3 sets 3 box walk outs 8/8 single arm half kneeling DB press B/ HSPU FOCUS EMOM 5 2-5 strict HSPU C/ WORK FOR TIME 5 rounds of 15 Hand release push ups 7 Power Clean @60/40 7 Push jerk Cap...
WOD 4.12.2020

WOD 4.12.2020

WOD 4.12.2020 A/ SQUAT SNATCH COMPLEX Every 90 seconds x 5 1 squat snatch + 3 OHS B/ WL SUPPORT EMOM 10 1/ 5 clean pull @100% of 1RM power clean 2/ 5 broad jumps C/ WORK AMRAP 12 12 Toes to bar / Toes to ring 9 Thrusters @40/30 6 burpees bar...
WOD 3.12.2020

WOD 3.12.2020

WOD 3.12.2020 A/ POWER CLEAN EMOM 12 1 rep B/ WORKOUT FOR TIME 21/15/09 Hang Power snatch @40/30 Thrusters @40/30 Cap 9min C/ FINISHER EMOM 8 20 seconds hollow rock
WOD 2.12.2020

WOD 2.12.2020

WOD 2.12.2020 A/ PUSH PRESS Every 90 seconds x 6 8 push press (from the ground) B/ PULL UPS EMOM 5 5-8 strict pull ups C/ WORK AMRAP 9 12/9 cal assault bike / row or ski 9 Push press 9 box...
WOD 1.12.2020

WOD 1.12.2020

WOD 1.12.2020 « WOD » AMRAP 35 500m row / bike or ski 40 DB Lunges @1×22.5/15kg 30 Sit ups 20 DB box step ups @1×22.5/15kg 10 Burpee box jumps over
WOD 30.11.2020

WOD 30.11.2020

WOD 30.11.2020 A/ BACK SQUAT Every 2 min x 5 6 rep @tempo 3331 (from the floor) B/ SUPPORT Every 2 min x 3 12 Romanian deadlift C/ WORK AMRAP 3min 25/20 cal row 10 down ups Max front squats in the remaining time @50/35kg Rest 2 min x...