WOD 03.09.2019

WOD 03.09.2019Part A”“Strict Diane”Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:Deadlifts (102/70kg)Strict Handstand Push-Ups”Part B”Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets) of:Station 1 – Barbell Hip Thrust x 6 reps @ 21X1Station 2 – Band...
Why introduce children to Training

Why introduce children to Training

Have you ever thought about CrossFit for kids ? Initiating your child to a physical activity from an early age, allows him not only to take a taste of the sport, but also to develop his mind. This complete sport solicits all the muscles. It will also give the...

WOD 02.09.2019

WOD 02.09.2019Part A”In teams of two, alternating each movement, complete ten rounds for time of:400 Meter Run10 Overhead Squats (61/43kg)10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)(Partner A runs; Partner B performs 10 overhead squats; Partner A performs 10 burpee box...

WOD 31.08.19

WOD 31.08.19AMRAP 30In team of 4:Athlète 1: 300m RowAthlete 2: Sand bag over shoulderAthlete 3: Body weight back squatAthlete 3: American kettlebell swingEach 300m Row change station and make 6 syncro...