by Phil | Dec 13, 2020 | Workout of the Day
WOD 13.12.2020 “TEAM” AMRAP 35 min 100 Hang power clean 100 Front squats 100 Push jerk 100 Front rack lunges 100 Thrusters @40/30kg Between each movements, complete 10 down ups synchro
by Phil | Dec 12, 2020 | Workout of the Day
WOD 12.12.2020 AMRAP 10 30/20/10 Burpees DB snatch @1×22.5/15kg Max cal machine in the remaining time Rest 2 min AMRAP 10 21/15/9 Toes to bar/ring DB squats @1×22.5/15kg Max cal machine in the remaining time Rest 2 min AMRAP 10 15/12/9 Devil...
by Phil | Dec 12, 2020 | Green living tips
Green living tips Making sustainable changes to your routine can be a part of your new year’s resolution for 2021. When it comes to decreasing the resources you consume, the home is a great place to start.🏚️Switching the power off of powering down when...
by Phil | Dec 11, 2020 | Workout of the Day
WOD 11.12.2020 A/ POWER CLEAN Every 90 seconds x 10 3 Power clean touch and go B/ PUSH JERK EMOM 10 3 Push jerk C/ WOD AMRAP 15 15 HSPU 1 round of macho man 15 cal row
by Phil | Dec 10, 2020 | Workout of the Day
WOD 10.12.2020 A/ PUSH PRESS Every 90 seconds x 6 6 push press (from the ground) B/ PULL UPS EMOM 5 5-8 strict pull ups C/ WORK FOR TIME 21/15/09 Deadlift @80/50 Burpee bar facing Cap...