WOD 30.11.2020

WOD 30.11.2020

WOD 30.11.2020 A/ BACK SQUAT Every 2 min x 5 6 rep @tempo 3331 (from the floor) B/ SUPPORT Every 2 min x 3 12 Romanian deadlift C/ WORK AMRAP 3min 25/20 cal row 10 down ups Max front squats in the remaining time @50/35kg Rest 2 min x...
WOD 29.11.2020

WOD 29.11.2020

WOD 29.11.2020 “TEAM” Team of 2 ALL THE GIRLS FOR TIME FRAN GRACE DIANE ISABEL 800m run together after each workouts CAP 40


Nutrition Feeling sick? Look at what you’re eating.⁠⁠Feeling tired? Look at what you’re eating. ⁠⁠Feeling moody? Look at what you’re eating.⁠⁠Keep it varied, fresh, and real. #RealFood...
WOD 28.11.2020

WOD 28.11.2020

WOD 28.11.2020 “SNATCH” Every 2 min x 5 5 touch and go power snatch Build across “WOD” FOR TIME 21-15-09 Hang Power snatch @40/30 Thrusters Right into 12-09-06 Over head squats @60/40 Burpee over the...
WOD 27.11.2020

WOD 27.11.2020

WOD 27.11.2020 “MIDLINE” 20 seconds ON – 40 seconds OFF x 12 1/ Deadbug 2/ Russian twist 3/ Plank to plank elbow “VOLUME” 50 toes to bar/ Toes to ring / toes to KB  for time EMOM 3 down ups CAP 10 “WOD” ANNIE 50-40-30-20-10...