WOD 25.11.2020

WOD 25.11.2020

WOD 25.11.2020 “POWER CLEAN” Build to 1 heavy technical rep of the day 20 minutes window “WOD” AMRAP 18 50 single arm DB thruster @1×22.5/15kg 7 ring muscle ups 15 single arm  DB Push Jerk @1×22.5/15kg 20 alternating OH dumbbell...

WOD 24.11.2020

WOD 24.11.2020 “CARDIO” Every 2 min 30 x 12 Rotate between A/, B/ and C/ A/ 20/16 cal row + 20 push ups B/ 20 Sumo deadlift high pull @40/30kg + 10 HSPU C/ 30 box step ups @1×22.5/15kg DB
WOD 23.11.2020

WOD 23.11.2020

WOD 23.11.2020 “FRONT SQUAT” Every 2min x 3 8 rep @3331 tempo “LUNGES” Every 2 min x 3 12 front rack lunges “WOD – battery” 3min ON – 1 min OFF x 3 10 power clean @60/40kg 10 burpee over the bar Max rep Power snatch...
WOD 26.11.2020

WOD 26.11.2020

WOD 26.11.2020 “PUSH STRENGTH” EMOM 12 1/ 8/8 DB Z press 2/ 8 russian push ups “PULL STRENGTH” Every 90 secondes x 5 8/8 DB row “WOD” AMRAP 4 8 Box step up @2×22.5/15kg 8 burpee over the box Rest 2 minutes...


NUTRITION Daily reminder : you should eat… whether or not you have worked out today ! You don’t need to work out to deserve food. Food = Fuel 💚....