Sleep enough !

Sleep enough !

Benefits of sleep on your health: ⁠”Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.”⁠ ~Thomas Dekker⁠ Sleep is very essential for our physical and emotional health.⁠ It is during sleep that muscles are built and regenerated, muscles...
Energy balls

Energy balls

Ingredients (for 2 persons) : 200g dates 20g linseed 120g oats 80g honey 80g dried apricots 80g nuts butter Preparation (10 min) : Pour it all in the food processor and mix but only half oft he oats  Mix and chill for 30 mins Form energy balls with the rest of the...
Buy from sustainable and local sources !

Buy from sustainable and local sources !

GREEN LIVING TIPS ♻️  SUSTAINABLE AND LOCAL SOURCES ♻️⁠⁠ Actions can be taken every day to reduce your ecological footprint or the mark you leave on your natural environment and its resources. Reduce your impact on the planet by buying from sustainable and local...
More plastic, less marine life

More plastic, less marine life

GREEN LIVING TIPS Right now there are as many as 51 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean. That’s 51 trillion deadly hazards that animals need to avoid.😢⁠⁠ The best way to tackle this issue in your own life is to stop using the five sources of single-use...
Quinoa with dates

Quinoa with dates

Ingredients for 2 persons : 100g of quinoa 100g of date purée  250 ml of vegetable drink, water or milk 1 tbsp. vanilla extract Topping: berries, dried fruit, seeds, spices, etc. Preparation (20 minutes) : Place quinoa in a colander and rinse well. Place in a saucepan...