Kettlebell Swing



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Kettlebell Swing

We want you to avoid some common mistakes in power moves – like kettlebell swings. ⁠

⁠❌ A kettlebell swing is not a squat with a front rise, it is intended to be a hinge⁠

A hinge is when you place your hips back as you stretch your hamstrings. This will load your hips and hamstrings so that they become like a bow ready to shoot an arrow.⁠

✅ Imagine that your feet are screwed into the floor to create torque in your legs. ⁠

✅ Your heels should be screwing in and your toes screwing out. ⁠

✅ Try to maintain that torque as you swing, which will help you keep your heels on the floor as well as help you engage your posterior chain more.⁠⁠

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