Customize Your Training Based on Strength, Not Gender In the world of fitness and bodybuilding, gender stereotypes and the "RX" obsession are unfortunately still too prevalent. These stereotypes are reflected in the equipment we use, such as weight bars, medballs, and...

Green Living Tips
Health and Wellness
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Do you train or compete?
Making Every Workout a Competition is Counterproductive In the dynamic world of fitness and physical training, a fundamental question often arises: are you training in class or are you competing? This distinction may seem subtle, but it plays a crucial role in how we...
The Open, everything you need to know
🔥 READY FOR THE OPEN? 🔥 If you're a veteran at our box, you already know what the Open is all about—and we’re sure you’re EXCITED to take part! 🤩 If you’re new and have no idea what the Open is, buckle up, because the next few weeks are going to be EPIC! 🚀 But why,...
Kettlebell Swing
Training We want you to avoid some common mistakes in power moves - like kettlebell swings. ❌ A kettlebell swing is not a squat with a...
The Open is over!
What to Do Now that the Opens are Over? And there we have it, the Opens are finished! We're giving you all our advice so you can recover as best as possible and come back stronger. For many of you, these Opens have meant personal records, improvement, and pushing your...
My experience with online programming
Hey! I find you today not with a recipe but with a post to motivate you to be physically active in these complicated times. This is a post that is not sponsored. I just wanted to share my good plan with you. I'm not going to teach you anything by telling...
How to stick with your new sports resolutions ?
New year comes with new resolutions and sports are often part of it. That said, once the excitement of the early days is off, bad habits immediately return. How to keep up with your new sports resolutions? What can you do to achieve your goals? In order to answer your...
Training Stories : Yassir
Training Stories : Yassir Hi, my name is Yassir, I am 34 years old and I have been doing Training for 4 months. I used to play basketball and ice hockey, then I switched to tennis and now I mainly do Training and tennis. Why did you start Training? I started Training...
Training Stories : Elsa
Training Stories : Elsa Hi my name is Elsa, I've been doing Training at Training All Elements for almost a year now, I'm 29 years old and before Training I was mainly running and a lot of horse riding. Today I combine horseback riding and Training three times a week....
Improve your rowing technique
Take your workouts and fitness to the next level by improving your rowing.💚✨ 🔷Position 1 (The attack) Arms outstretched, facing the front, back straight, bust slightly bent forward, shinbone perpendicular to the ground, heels must take off at least (depending on...
My experience with CossFit
Training is a sport that I decided to experiment with at the beginning of this year. Often criticized, many prejudices revolve around it. That's why I chose to write this article, in order to share with you in all honesty my own experience and my point of view...
The 8 problems that keeps you from progressing at Training
Training is the trend activity of the moment. Combining weightlifting, cardio and gymnastics, this is a sport that aims to work the whole body. But how to progress quickly and without any harms ? Why can not you increase your level despite all of your efforts ? In...
Why introduce children to Training
Have you ever thought about CrossFit for kids ? Initiating your child to a physical activity from an early age, allows him not only to take a taste of the sport, but also to develop his mind. This complete sport solicits all the muscles. It will also give the...
8 reasons to start practice Training
Is physical activity part of your resolutions for this year ? Are you determined to stick to? Do you know what activity you want to practice ? What about Training ? Think of it ! Things you have to know about Training There are some information you need to know...
All the posts
Ditch Gender Stereotypes and the “RX” Obsession!
Customize Your Training Based on Strength, Not Gender In the world of fitness and bodybuilding, gender stereotypes and the "RX" obsession are unfortunately still too prevalent. These stereotypes are reflected in the equipment we use, such as weight bars, medballs, and...
Do you train or compete?
Making Every Workout a Competition is Counterproductive In the dynamic world of fitness and physical training, a fundamental question often arises: are you training in class or are you competing? This distinction may seem subtle, but it plays a crucial role in how we...
The Open, everything you need to know
🔥 READY FOR THE OPEN? 🔥 If you're a veteran at our box, you already know what the Open is all about—and we’re sure you’re EXCITED to take part! 🤩 If you’re new and have no idea what the Open is, buckle up, because the next few weeks are going to be EPIC! 🚀 But why,...
Kettlebell Swing
Training We want you to avoid some common mistakes in power moves - like kettlebell swings. ❌ A kettlebell swing is not a squat with a...
The Open is over!
What to Do Now that the Opens are Over? And there we have it, the Opens are finished! We're giving you all our advice so you can recover as best as possible and come back stronger. For many of you, these Opens have meant personal records, improvement, and pushing your...
My experience with online programming
Hey! I find you today not with a recipe but with a post to motivate you to be physically active in these complicated times. This is a post that is not sponsored. I just wanted to share my good plan with you. I'm not going to teach you anything by telling...
How to stick with your new sports resolutions ?
New year comes with new resolutions and sports are often part of it. That said, once the excitement of the early days is off, bad habits immediately return. How to keep up with your new sports resolutions? What can you do to achieve your goals? In order to answer your...
Training Stories : Yassir
Training Stories : Yassir Hi, my name is Yassir, I am 34 years old and I have been doing Training for 4 months. I used to play basketball and ice hockey, then I switched to tennis and now I mainly do Training and tennis. Why did you start Training? I started Training...
Training Stories : Elsa
Training Stories : Elsa Hi my name is Elsa, I've been doing Training at Training All Elements for almost a year now, I'm 29 years old and before Training I was mainly running and a lot of horse riding. Today I combine horseback riding and Training three times a week....
Improve your rowing technique
Take your workouts and fitness to the next level by improving your rowing.💚✨ 🔷Position 1 (The attack) Arms outstretched, facing the front, back straight, bust slightly bent forward, shinbone perpendicular to the ground, heels must take off at least (depending on...
My experience with CossFit
Training is a sport that I decided to experiment with at the beginning of this year. Often criticized, many prejudices revolve around it. That's why I chose to write this article, in order to share with you in all honesty my own experience and my point of view...
The 8 problems that keeps you from progressing at Training
Training is the trend activity of the moment. Combining weightlifting, cardio and gymnastics, this is a sport that aims to work the whole body. But how to progress quickly and without any harms ? Why can not you increase your level despite all of your efforts ? In...
Why introduce children to Training
Have you ever thought about CrossFit for kids ? Initiating your child to a physical activity from an early age, allows him not only to take a taste of the sport, but also to develop his mind. This complete sport solicits all the muscles. It will also give the...
8 reasons to start practice Training
Is physical activity part of your resolutions for this year ? Are you determined to stick to? Do you know what activity you want to practice ? What about Training ? Think of it ! Things you have to know about Training There are some information you need to know...